
In todays blog, we speak to Dr. Christian Trux who raises 100% Japanese Wagyu cattle-

I am a Full time EM physician, working in East Texas. My family and I began raising 100% Japanese Wagyu cattle in 2017 because we realized how fulfilling and fun farm life could be. During 2020, it's the main thing that kept me sane. Emergency Medicine suddenly became more stressful than ever and I honestly feared for my life at times; last Spring I felt like I was being sent to war. I had colleagues and family friends die of Covid. Helping raise these animals was incredibly therapeutic for me.  

Living in a rural area, it is difficult to get quality meat at the grocery store. Over the last year, families are eating out less and making more gourmet food at home. We wanted to offer some of the best meat in the world to anyone that wants to try it, sent directly from the farmer to your doorstep. Our farm conglomerate is supplying some of the biggest names in the wagyu world. 

Swagyu Box was born in December 2020 when 4 dreamers, myself included, developed a boxed beef subscription service for our 100% Japanese wagyu. We created our brand, developed the website, applied for our Trademark, and have worked closely with a USDA certified processing company who now helps pack and ship our boxes. We are working out of the same space that Hello Fresh got its start. 

Typically, grocery stores only offer American wagyu, which is only a percentage wagyu or purebred. It is crossed with another breed, such as Angus. We offer a full blood product, 100% Japanese wagyu, that can be traced to the foundation Japanese genetics that came to the US in the 1970's and 1990's. This matters because it's healthier and it tastes better. The full Japanese wagyu genetics allow for more marbling, which means more omegas and monounsaturated fats. The higher percentage of oleic acid in the fat profile has shown to increase HDL cholesterol and be a more heart healthy beef option. Each order comes with a Certification of Authenticity and nose print. 

The biggest challenge with Swagyu Box has been allowing the processing company to take more responsibility with making our boxes. Initially we made and packed them ourselves at their facility. My husband and I put in a lot of back breaking hours that we knew wouldn't be sustainable. With our last few shipments, we have allowed them to box the pre-bagged orders without us being there. 

We are excited about continuing to develop the brand and have an avenue to sell our beef that utilizes and celebrates the entire animal, not just the steaks. It takes 4 years to make just one fed out animal. Our breed planning focuses on utilizing genetics for the highest amount of marbling and the largest ribeyes possible. Our cattle enjoy both grass and grain, are massaged regularly and are raised in a low-stress and open environment. We take pride in raising quality wagyu without the use of hormones or antibiotics. 

You can purchase and learn more about us on our website: 

By purchasing through the affiliate link, we are helping support Female Physician Entrepreneurs raise money for mitochondrial diseases. 

You can purchase here,

What makes Wagyu meat different?

Our Wagyu beef is tender, highly marbled, and tastes impeccable. Compared to other breeds of cattle, Wagyu beef is a healthier choice due to a higher ratio of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) as compared to saturated fatty acid. MUFAs are a heart-healthy dietary fat because they can lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol while increasing high-density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol. Clinical trials have indicated that highly marbled beef does not increase LDL-cholesterol.

Here is what Christian sells,

"Our boxes offer a variety of Wagyu cuts such as Boneless Ribeye, Flat Iron Steak, Boneless Short Ribs, Bacon, and Ground Beef. We pride ourselves in delivering the finest Wagyu with exceptional Beef Marble Scores (BMS)."

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